A note from the composer...
River of Time is an online collaboration with Lydbrook Band, poem/narration by Rhys Trimble, audio by Lukas Greiwe (University of the West of England Computer Science and Creative Technology Department) and animation/video by Gary Andrews. Conducted by Ian Holmes. River of Time was inspired by the River Wye and 'time'.
Rainbow River is an extended version created for the Cory Online Brass Band Contest, February 2021.
Many of the concepts and musical material were generated by members of the band who shared with Liz their perceptions of 'time' during the Covid-19 lockdown and in a more general sense. Their thoughts were also incorporated within Rhys Trimble's poem and narration. Over half of Lydbrook Band are partners or live in the same households. The music was written with this in mind, the players performing and recording together, and the music incorporating freer 'cadenzas' to generate more musical shape and flow than a standard click track.
River of Time was commissioned by Lydbrook Band, part of a wider Lydbrook Band project for the Wye Valley River Festival 2020 and funded by Arts Council England.
'.... a reflective performance from Lydbrook Band of a new commission by the amazing Liz Lane called 'Rainbow River'. The piece celebrates the River Wye and I loved the animated artwork in the background depicting the river and the changing of the seasons and the band standing on the riverbank. It was emotive with loads of little conversational duet moments which.... were played by couples in the band.' [online write-up]