A note from the composer...
Linear Lines explores a relationship between the musical language of Hildegard of Bingen [1098-1179] and the present day, some 800 years later. The complete chant, In principio omnes, is used as the basis of the work which is split into five sections, each a progressive soliloquy on the original musical material.
Linear Lines was commissioned in April 2009 by the U.S. horn player Marlene Ford, and first performed at a series of lecture/recitals of works by women composers:
Old Dominion University, Norfolk (27th January 2010); Portsmouth Music Club, Portsmouth (27th January 2010); Tidewater Community College, Norfolk (2nd March 2010); Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Virginia Beach (28th March 2010); Virginia Wesleyan College, Norfolk (22nd April 2010); Virginia Music Teachers Association, James Madison University, USA (13th November 2010).